New Official Information :: FAQ

This list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) was put together of some of the more commonly asked questions that have been received on the new member, scheduling process, or general administrative items.

Just because the official sent in the forms doesn't mean they have been recevied, processed, checked for errors, etc. In this world of instantaneous updates, certain things take time. This is one of them. We have seen issues where names are misspelled, numbers are transposed wrong, etc. All of this goes into time of processing your forms. During the months from September to November, there are over 100 new officials that navigate the process. Everyone goes through things the same way and at the same time. It takes time. Forms must be filled out completely by the individual registering. They are matched against USA Hockey to ensure the individual registered (and not some other person, entity, etc). Please check your status to see where you may stand in the process.

The website is for members only. Until all the forms have been submitted properly and background check completed, you will NOT be able to login. There are no exceptions. Once all the information is complete with USA Hockey and we have verified, we attempt to process it timely.

USA Hockey and background screenings are checked nightly for any status changes.

Check for yourself. The more time we take answering emails, the less we can move new officials along.

Schedulers get plenty of requests for games from officials as it is. How does it help a scheduler to email them when they cannot assign you games?

The direct deposit, IRS W-9, and waiver should be sent to the address listed on the bottom of the direct deposit form. If you are under the age of 18, you will need a work permit. Send the completed work permit to

Each scheduler may have their own method of requesting officials for games. Have you contacted the scheduler for games? Does the scheduler know you are qualified? Maybe it might also be a time for an evaluation. Arbiter does not automatically schedule anyone for games. The scheduler is not required to assign a specific official for any games.

In any event, it would be a good time to introduce your 'resume' to the scheduler. Your 'resume' should include any and all hockey experience you have including years playing, years officating, age, and any other information needed to communicate to the scheduler.

Once you are an official or if you have been officiating for some time, have you scheduled an evaluation? The information is to construct how you performed in a game. The best way is to be evaluated on the higher level games you feel comfortable in. For example, do nto schedule an evaluation on a mite half-ice game when you normally officate peewee and bantams.

Working more games does not help, and it actually hurts. Evaluators and schedulers can see what games you are officating. Some evaluators purposefully show up at your last game of the day to evaluate you. Do NOT be that person who has to work an unreasonable number of games in a day, there is no reason to.

The new member meetings are specifically designed to get newer officials acclimated with the organization. You do not have to have completed any of the requirements in order to attend. We cover scheduling, game reports, evaluations, how to contact other officials to get coverage. It also includes what not to do. These meetings are usually held between August and November. Check the website for when the next one may occur.

Let us first read the USA Hockey Code of Conduct. As officials we are reminded of this each and ever seminar, training, evaluation, and meeting we attend. Do we hear what spectators say? Most likely, no. The same way players do not hear you (or each other) on the ice.

Let us second read the USA Hockey Zero Tolerance Policy. As officials we are reminded of this each and ever seminar, training, evaluation, and meeting we attend.

It is the law of USA Hockey games, the USA Rulebook and Casebook. As officials we are reminded of this each and ever seminar, training, evaluation, and meeting we attend. Now that you have read through the rules (and possibly for the first time), you should try officiating a game.

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